Save Your Orange Peels | Uses | Organic Orange Cleaner, Tea, Zest, Powder, Oil


There's so many uses for orange peels, do not throw them away!

All Purpose Orange Cleaner

1 Part Vinegar
3 Parts Water
1 Handful of Orange Peels


Boil all ingredients, strain out peels, and place in a squirty bottle.

Orange Tea

Dry peels for up to 4 hours in dehydrator and break up into small slivers. Place orange peels inside of loose tea capsule. Place inside of boiled water.
Helps ease symptoms of common cold, and it is a great immunity booster.

Orange Zest

With a cheese grater, grate orange peels. Place inside of freezer for long term storage, or use dehydrator to dry. Use to flavor recipes.

Orange Powder

Dry peels in a food dehydrator for up to 4 hours. Place in a food grinder and pulse until peels become powder. Use this creatively to spice food, make smoothies, and more.

Grind orange peels coarsely and use for scouring surfaces, and as a natural exfoliate that can be added to face wash and body wash.

Orange Oil

Oils can be made from pressed and ground skin of oranges.
Use this for essential oils and in bases of health and beauty products. Orange oil can also be used as a flavoring for food.


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