Welcome To Little Bear Meadows

We Know Self Reliance

    Some people dream about having a new lifestyle change with a higher paying career, bigger homes, and faster cars. We dream about a nice meadow with a few chickens and a stream running through it and utilize our gifted creative skills God created in us and utilize the opportunity to do everything from the heart. We were not created to be enslaved and indebted. But to serve one another from the heart. We are here to stimulate creativity and help you get started in a chain-less freelancing lifestyle that goes hand in hand with homesteading.

    Sometimes, we plan on homesteading after we get the loan for the property of our dreams but sometimes, we don't always have that option. Maybe our credit score is too low, or you want to save up and pay cash in order to get started. But why not get started right now?

    Simply utilize the community national forests for foraging. We explore the mountains outside of town where the hidden treasures of huckleberries, apples, wild raspberries, mullein, plantain, dandelions, chamomile and brambles are.

    Your backyard can be a perfect spot to grow fruit trees, vines, and garden beds. In some towns it's permitted to have a few chickens. You can set up a small compost section for added nutrition in garden beds. It's less overwhelming to start small, and then grow from there. Container gardening is a perfect option for those who live in a condo, or renting a room. We'll also teach hydroponics.

    We welcome discussions and encourage it in your comments section. If you have any questions even if it's an unrelated topic, you're welcome to ask here. We also welcome entrepreneurs. If you're a small business owner or have developed a product, feel free to share.


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