Milk, Milk, Milk | What Can I Do With Spoiled Milk? | Read For Answers..


Don't cry over spoiled milk. There are still plenty of uses for it.

Cottage Cheese
  • Boil the leftover milk with a few tablespoons of vinegar and a teaspoon of salt.
  • Skim the top layer with a mesh ladle or pour into a cheesecloth.
  • Squeeze out excess liquid.
  • Pour fresh milk into container and crumble cheese.
Dog Milk Bone Biscuits
  • Mix left over milk with flour and/or cornmeal until thick and workable. The consistency must be the consistence of cookie dough. You can add a little peanut butter, bone broth, or flakes of meat if you would like.
  • Roll out the dough and cut into shapes. You can use cookie cutters or be creative with the design.
  • For 2" wide biscuits, cook at 350 degrees for 20 (soft bake) to 30 minutes (Crunchy)
Sour Dough Bread
  • Heat milk, use a tablespoon of vinegar and find your favorite bread recipe. It will give it a slightly sour taste.
