Foraging In The Wild Woodlands


It's a treasure to find a retreat or a walking trail and discover that there's edible berries along the way. If you don't have acreage where you can forage, try exploring public locations, national forests, or you can roadside forage for sun ripened fruit. Wild mint is fun to forage for in certain locations usually near streams. When spring begins, we enjoy hunting for mushrooms and collect all of them. We put the non edibles in one sack, and then learn to identify them. This is a great activity for the whole family.

Why go to the supermarket when you can find a bounty outdoors? If you enjoy philanthropy, you could pick all you could and gift them to your nearest foodbank. We love our Freeshare Communities which allows us to gift extra produce to our neighbors with Farm 2 Freeshare program. You can even trade produce with your communities with Freeshare. We encourage all our readers to be proactive within the community. Freesharing is simple, you could write FREE on a box and pile in what you would like to share. Set it by the roadside and share the love. Freeshare is for the people; by the people.
